Rashmi Desai has become the third member of Elite Club. The media chose Rashmi over Shehnaz. According to the latest information, the three members of the elite club will now go to the mall task outside the house. These three members will be Rashmi Desai, Siddharth Shukla and Asim Riaz.
The mall task has already taken place in several seasons. The public will vote for them during this task. Whichever contestant has the highest votes will reach the finale directly.
Before these contestants, Manveer Gurjar and Manu Punjabi got this opportunity in season 10. This was followed by Hina Khan and Shilpa Shinde in Season 11.
In this way, apart from Asim, Siddharth, Rashmi Desai, Shahnaz Kaur Gill and Paras Chhabra are considered strong contenders for the top five. At the same time, in view of the players playing on the show, apart from Siddharth and Asim, Shahnaz is seen at number three.